Good morning friends, we hope your week is going well!
Coming up in February we have partnered with 4 additional organizations to bring more wellness programming here at Rosewood (all with no costs for participants). Keep an eye on our events page, and feel free to invite any friends you think might be interested! #wellnesswednesday
1. Feb. 5th 2-4pm: The Autism Society of Oregon will be providing a workshop called “Autism 101”. This is a great opportunity to stop in and have any of your questions answered about Autism and supporting an individual who is experiencing Autism including information for available resources.
2. Starting Feb. 6th 5:30-7:30pm: SEI will be hosting a “Learning to Love Ourselves” class for 9 weeks which is a support group for women of color, survivors of trauma. Please call Sarina Simpson, DV Lead to register: (503) 988-6443. Dinner and childcare is provided.
3. Feb. 7th 10am-2pm: Wallace Medical Concern will be on-site to complete OHP enrollments and navigation in addition to Project Access NOW who is here every Tuesday 10am-5pm.
4. Starting Feb. 8th: Multnomah County SNAP program will be here every Thursday 10-1 to assist with SNAP enrollments and renewals.