@pearmentor doing some FREE Basic Bike Repair until 5pm Then Join is for a bike ride to midland library from Rosewood at 5 pm(3 mi) from midland we will join a social ride starting at 6 pm (7.2 mi).

Dear Rosewood Community and Partners,
The team here at The Rosewood Initiative is taking COVID-19 and our responsibility to the community very seriously. After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close the center and cancel gatherings until further notice.
Dear Rosewood Community and Partners,
The team here at The Rosewood Initiative is taking COVID-19 and our responsibility to the community very seriously. After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close the center and cancel gatherings until further notice.
Dear Rosewood Community and Partners,
The team here at The Rosewood Initiative is taking COVID-19 and our responsibility to the community very seriously. After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close the center and cancel gatherings until further notice.
Dear Rosewood Community and Partners,
The team here at The Rosewood Initiative is taking COVID-19 and our responsibility to the community very seriously. After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close the center and cancel gatherings until further notice.