Fund your East Portland community project through the East Portland Neighborhood Office Small Grants Program!
East Portland Neighborhood Office – 2015 Small Grants Program
Requested funds may range from $500-$3500
Total funds available – $26,000
Application deadline: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015, 5:00 pm
Applications available online:
Grant Information Sessions: Thursday, February 5th, 10:00am-11:30am or Thursday, February 12th, 6:00pm-7:30pm (See below for details.)
Please share this opportunity widely through your networks.
Who Can Apply?
Any group with a community project that takes place within East Portland and involves and benefits East Portlanders.
Map of East Portland boundaries:
Your project must meet at least one of the goals of the grant program. It does not need to meet more than one goal. The goals of the grant program are:
• Increase the number and diversity of people who are involved and engaged in their communities
• Strengthen community capacity through leadership development, skills building, fostering teamwork and/or partnerships, and community building
• Increase community impact on public decisions
Engagement of communities historically underrepresented in and undeserved by our programming – communities of color, immigrant and refugee communities, low income individuals and families, youth, people with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bi, transgender-ed people – is a high priority for our Small Grants Program.
The EPNO Small Grants program is a general grant program. Many community projects will qualify for it. To learn more about types of projects funded in the past see the grant application or visit
For additional requirements and selection criteria as well as information on restrictions on use of funds, download our 2015 application
EPNO Small Grants Information Sessions
We encourage you to attend one of our small grants information sessions. These sessions will help answer questions about the grant program, the application, the committee review process, and how funds can be used.
Please call seven days in advance for special needs accommodations, childcare, and/or language interpretation requests at 503-823-4550 or TTY 503-823-6868. The building is mobility device accessible.
Thursday, February 5th, 2015, 10:00am – 11:30am
East Portland Neighborhood Office
1017 NE 117th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97220
(between Halsey & Glisan – foot of the water tower)
Thursday, February 12th, 2015, 6:00pm-7:30pm
East Portland Neighborhood Office
1017 NE 117thAve.
Portland, Oregon 97220
(between Halsey & Glisan – foot of the watertower)
Have questions?
Please contact us – Eliza Lindsay: or 503-823-4550