Rosewood Friends,
Permits are taking longer than we would like, but that is not stopping us from using Rosewood Cafe as a community space however we can. A big thanks to Mike Vander Veen, Tom Lewis and Fiorella Featherston for setting up a ping pong table that has already inspired a tournament this Friday! Here are a few other items we have come up with to start using the cafe as it is:
Books, toys, board games, cards, stereo, CDs, refrigerator, art supplies, scissors, jump ropes, plastic container bins, kites, crayons, coloring books, digital camera, printer, reusable plastic cups, Sudoku and crossword puzzles, a tv and dvd player…
Can you help with any of these things?
Bring your donations to our next community meeting, Wednesday, August 17th at 1pm at Rosewood Cafe!