I get asked all the time when is it appropriate to call 911 or non-emergency (503) 823-3333. The simpliest answer is call 911 when a crime is occurring right now and someone is likely in danger or property damage or theft is occurring. Call non-emergency if a crime has already occurred and the suspect is already gone. Let me give you some real life examples: You know your neighbor is out of town and you see someone you have never seen before at the front of your neighbor’s house. The person you see is not a mail delivery person or a local well marked utility person. You then see the person go behind your neighbor’s house and you then hear glass breaking or a loud crash. Call 911 as you are likely observing a burglary in progress. Here is another example: You hear a loud argument from a neighbor’s apartment or house and you believe it may escalate. Call 911 as you may be hearing a domestic disturbance, your call may prevent further harm. Here is an example of a non-emergency call: You wake up and go outside and your car has been stolen. Call non-emergency, because the crime has already occurred.
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Dear Rosewood Community and Partners,
The team here at The Rosewood Initiative is taking COVID-19 and our responsibility to the community very seriously. After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close the center and cancel gatherings until further notice.
Dear Rosewood Community and Partners,
The team here at The Rosewood Initiative is taking COVID-19 and our responsibility to the community very seriously. After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close the center and cancel gatherings until further notice.
Dear Rosewood Community and Partners,
The team here at The Rosewood Initiative is taking COVID-19 and our responsibility to the community very seriously. After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close the center and cancel gatherings until further notice.
Dear Rosewood Community and Partners,
The team here at The Rosewood Initiative is taking COVID-19 and our responsibility to the community very seriously. After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close the center and cancel gatherings until further notice.
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